Why wont this code work?

I want to separate a hexadecimal value into 3 bytes but the code is outputting
Original Hex Value: 0x5EEF
Decimal Values: {0, 94, 239}
The byte I'm using to test is 0xbb5eef

I don't see a flaw in the code and I am wondering why only the first byte is incorrect.

void setup() {
  // Original hexadecimal value
  unsigned int hexValue = 0xbb5eef;

  // Extract individual bytes
  byte byte1 = (hexValue >> 16) & 0xFF;
  byte byte2 = (hexValue >> 8) & 0xFF;
  byte byte3 = hexValue & 0xFF;

  int decimalValues[] = {byte1, byte2, byte3};

  // Print the original value and the array of decimal values
  Serial.print("Original Hex Value: 0x");
  Serial.println(hexValue, HEX);
  Serial.print("Decimal Values: {");
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    if (i < 2) {
      Serial.print(", ");

void loop() {
  // pass

Actually most people would see that as being THREE bytes!
An unsigned int is TWO bytes long!
Work on those problems and see if you can get it to work.

I would imagine that the size of an unsigned int is only 16 bits on whatever board you're trying this with. Crank up your warning level and you'll get a 'large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type' warning.

RGB888 to RGB565

  • mask 5 MSB of 8 bit RED: 0xff & b1111 1000
  • shift left 8 to make room for 6 GRN and 5 BLU
  • mask 6 MSB of 8 bit GRN: 0xff & b1111 1100
  • shit left 3 (to leave room for 5 BLU)
  • mask 5 MSB of 8 bit BLU: 0xff & b1111 1000
  • shift RIGHT 3 (because 11 bits to the left are R and G)
  • fin

RGB888 0xaabbcc (b 1010 1010 1011 1011 1100 1100)
RGB565 0xadd9 (b1010 1101 1101 1001)

  10101010 red 0xAA
& 11111000 mask 5
  10101xxx 5red
  10101xxx00000000 5red << 8

  10111011 grn 0xBB
& 11111100 mask 6
  101110xx 6grn
  xxxxx101110xxzzz 6grn << 3

  11001100 blu 0xCC
& 11111000 mask 5
  11001xxx 5blu >> 3

  1010 1101 1101 1001 result 0xadd9

Backwards (RGB565 to RGB888) will lose LSBs due to shifting (and padding with zeroes)


RGB565 0x5EEF to RGB888 0xRRGGBB

b 0101 1110 1110 1111 (0x5EEF)
mask red 5: 01011
shift left 3 0101 1xxx (0x58) = 88 dec
mask grn 6 110111
shift left 2 1101 11xx (0xdc) = 220 dec
mask blu 5: 01111
shift left 3 0111 1xxx (0xf8) = 248 dec

0x58 DC F8

should be

  unsigned long hexValue = 0xbb5eef;

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