I am begining on arduino, and I wnat to do this project:
The Arduino must to send datas using any module Wi Fi through the network of my company and trasnmitted to any computer connected to the network, using Labview.
What I have to know about my network and Communication protocols to estabilish this conection?
What I have to know about my network and Communication protocols to estabilish this conection?
The SSID and password, and what kind of encryption it uses are the minimum. Other things may depend on which WiFi shield you plan on using.
Ethernet is FAR more reliable than any of the WiFi shields available.
hi everyone, i interface arduino with wifi module esp8266. i want to make esp8266 as a client & want to assign it static ip after that i want to pass & get vales form my sever ( server is my pc & i already design a web service in asp.net).
i need your help kindly reply me as soon as possible
i need your help
With proper punctuation and capitalization? Or with something else?