I'm building some blinking lights for my wheelchair, using an Arduino and a few TLC5940's... To get the circuit working, I'm using some solderless breadboards for development... (with all the open circuit issues that can cause)
Mostly I've been trying to get it working with relatively little luck, until I had a wierd accident that I'm trying to figure out what is happening...
I'm using dumb 12V RGB LED strips - common +, with a ground wire to turn on each color.
Circuit power is a 12VDC laptop wallwart that stands in for my chair's lighting circuit. It goes to feed the common hots for the LED's
In addition, it feeds into a 7805 (1.5A package) on one breadboard, and from there goes to the Arduino (via the Vin and Gnd connections) and a second breadboard with the TLC's and the LED's on it, where it supplies the 5V VCC power for the TLC chips.
The rest of the circuit follows the recommended wiring for 2 TLC's as mentioned in most of the documentation... I have traced the circuit repeatedly, and can't find any errors...
It would not run the "Basic Use" sketch in the library sample code, until while trying to trace wiring and wiggle connections, I DISCONNECTED the only wire I had leading to ground from the breadboard... With no ground the basic use sketch ran great, but as soon as I touched the ground wire to the ground connection, it would put out all the LED's... Take the ground wire off and they'd come back on...
Any idea what might be going on? Only thing I can think of is that the chip is somehow grounding through the signal wires coming out of the Arduino...
The other thing I was wondering, is if I am supplying the Arduino with a regulated 5V, should I be connecting it through the Vin socket, or the +5V socket?
(could this be part of my problem?)