I will try to make a 4x4 RC CAR working but unfortunately it is a little bit hard !
The sketch ARDUINO UNO + ADAFRUIT CC3000 WIFI works fine
The sketch ARDUINO UNO + ARDUINO L293D MOTOR SHIELD (4 motor drive) works fine
But if i plug the 3 together this doesn't work as some pines are used by WIFI Shield and Motor Field.
I don't know how to do ?
need to put another ARDUINO UNO ? but how to communicate between the two Arduino UNO ? look at the picture downloaded
L293D Pont-H L293D — MCHobby - Wiki
I don't know if i m clear .... but if someone can give me help !! and give me an idea for how to wake the 3 ARDUINO UNO + WIFI CC3000 + L293D work together
Thank you very much ...