WiFi Intercom + Doorbell with arduino

Hi Guys, I have a video intercom device that I need to adapt an external doorbell.
It does not have a bell, since it sends notifications over the internet so that it can be answered by smartphone.
In this sense I looked for a HACKING/DIY solution. I activated packet sniffer and identified the intercom communicating with the push notification server (tcpsump) and at each occurrence of this notification I am triggering the bell by relay.
Unfortunately this is being performed on my PC. I'm trying to simplify this solution.
I've seen a lot of ethernet communication on Arduino, but I don't know if it's possible to read packages and identify specific packages.
Does anyone have any experience in this regard?
Best Regards,

A typical Arduino setup (UNO + Ethernet shield) cannot sniff Ethernet traffic, it won't see any packet not addressed to it's IP. There may be solutions with other combos but I strongly suggest to use a Linux based board (p.e. Raspberry Pi) for such things. You can even use the same tools you use on your PC.

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