WIFI program loading

Hello All,

Is there any hardware/software variant that can load programs into a ATMega328P using WIFi yet?


You should be able to do it.
Just could send a file by wifi then trigger the arduino to upload it from there.

Look up load sketch off SD card or SD card bootloader.


I was just curious because I was able to accomplish this directly from the Arduino IDE Upload button with a wifi attachment I'm working on.
Since I have not seen anything posted about it yet... just for the pride of my accomplishment for myself... lol :slight_smile:

Well no, I have not seen it done over wifi although it has been done over xbee RF.

I hope to hear an update on this wifi programming soon then.


It is very basic, but only works on Windows 32bit for now.
The idea is to have a virtual com port created on the PC running the Arduino IDE.
Such port would convert the data into TCP packets and sent over the network to the wifi attachment.
This conversion can be accomplish with a free tool: HW VSP3 - Virtual Serial Port | HW-group.com
That's why it only works on Windows 32bit for now. If anyone can find another free tool that can do that for other platforms, it would be awesome.
After data is sent over the network to the wifi attachment, it is then converted back to serial data and then to the arduino board.
The wifi attachment is using the WiFly Roving Networks module.
I'm actually using it on my modified Arduino board, but should be simple enough to create a shield for it.
My modified board info can be found at: http://www.reefangel.com
Do you think there would be enough interest for such shield?


hell yeah im interested :wink: :sunglasses:

Well I'm presuming with the WiFly, it'll not be cheap so I'm not sure I have that much of a need for it.
Depends on price.
