wifi rc car problem

is there any way to convert this project to use pwm ?

jbprojects . net/projects/wifirobot/

The motor control probably does use PWM.

but it does not call for the servo script at all . the rc car is just a cheap rc car from radio shack and the truck i have is a traxxas ( i forget what kind ) witch user a servo and power magement box

edit: here is the arduino code

#define DEBUG 0
#define WAIT_FOR_START 1

unsigned char incomingByte = 0;
unsigned long loop_count = 0;
unsigned char horn = 32;
unsigned char redLED = 64;
unsigned char greenLED = 128;

unsigned char forward = 1;
unsigned char backward = 2;
unsigned char left = 4;
unsigned char right = 8;

unsigned char PORTB_val;
unsigned char PORTD_val;

unsigned char in_char = 0;

void setup() 
//PORTD = digital IO 0-7
//horn, redLED, greenLED

  pinMode(5, OUTPUT);      // sets the digital pin as output
  pinMode(6, OUTPUT);      // sets the digital pin as output
  pinMode(7, OUTPUT);      // sets the digital pin as output

//PORTB = digital IO 8 - 13  
//right, left, backwards, forward

  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);      // sets the digital pin as output
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);      // sets the digital pin as output
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT);     // sets the digital pin as output
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT);     // sets the digital pin as output
  Serial.begin(9600);      // set up Serial library at 9600 bps
  PORTD = redLED;               // turn on the red LED
  #if DEBUG
  wait_for_start();  //Waits for startup message from router serial port
                               //continues after receiving it.

void flash_led(unsigned int count, unsigned int rate)
// debug routine that flashes an LED

 int n_count = 0;

 while (n_count < count)
   digitalWrite(13, HIGH);       // sets the LED on
   delay(rate);                  // waits for a bit
   digitalWrite(13, LOW);        // sets the LED off
   delay(rate);                  // waits for a bit

char get_char()
//Function that waits for a character from the serial port
//If none are received, it returns 0.
//The timeout is so that if the router stops sending data to the microcontroller,
//the micrcontroller will stop driving the car, rather than just going forever with
//the last command.  Timeout is around 250mS.

  while (loop_count < 30000)

    if (Serial.available() > 0)
      incomingByte = Serial.read();
      loop_count = 0;
      return incomingByte; 
  loop_count = 0;
  #if DEBUG
        Serial.print('X', BYTE);
  return 0; 

unsigned char wait_for_start()
//Waits for startup message from router serial port

  #if DEBUG

    if (get_char() == 'j' && get_char() == 'b' && get_char() == 'p' && get_char() == 'r' && get_char() == 'o') 
  #if DEBUG
      Serial.print("Passcode Accepted");

      return 0; 

void loop()                       
//Function that processes input from serial port and drives the car based
//on that input.

  in_char = get_char();
  //Split byte received in to upper and lower halves.
  PORTB_val = in_char & 0x0F;
  PORTD_val = in_char & 0xF0;
  //Make sure the greenLED is turned on now.
  if ((PORTD_val & greenLED) == 0)
    PORTD_val = PORTD_val + greenLED;          
  //The following IF statements are sanity checks to make sure that FORWARD and BACKWARD cannot be on at the same time
  //and that LEFT and RIGHT can't be on at the same time.
  if ((PORTB_val & (left + right)) == (left + right))
    PORTB_val = PORTB_val - right;    
  if ((PORTB_val & (forward + backward)) == (forward + backward))
    PORTB_val = PORTB_val - backward; 

  //Write the processed values to the ports.
  PORTD = PORTD_val;
  PORTB = PORTB_val;

  #if DEBUG
    Serial.print(PORTD, HEX);
    Serial.print(PORTB, HEX);
