Wifi Serial communication between MKR 1010 and ESP 8266

I was reaching out to build a remote with the 1010 as the transmitter and the esp 8266 as the receiver.
I was thinking, that the ESP uses the uart protocol to communicate with the Motor controller(Vesc). That's is handable for me, but when it comes to the communication between the two boards, then my words are ending there and I don't know how to do it. Have you an advice for me?

Best regards


I have done some experimenting with ESP Now to communicate between 2 ESP8266. Don't know if it works with ESP32.

I didn't know about ESP Now in the past until now. So I will dig me in. Thanks alot! :slight_smile:

I should have shared this link in my first post, sorry. Here is Robin2's ESP8266 with ESP-NOW as an alternative to nRF24L01+ tutorial. This is the example code that I used to do my experiments.

I tried to compile it for the mkr 1010, but I can't include the ESP8266WiFi header. Only when I choose the ESP Build Option, but then it is useless for me.:confused:

None of the ESP files work on the MKR WiFi 1010. See these pages.