WIFI SHIELD configuration


I bought this shield:

The characteristics says:
"Up to 1 Mbps data rate over UART Host"

I've got a arduino mega 2560 r3 and wanted to connect the RX TX in pins hardwareSerial --> "Serial3"--> (RX3 TX3)

However, the library: "WiflyShield" only refers "SoftwareSerial" (10,11,12,13, but i have other components on this pins)

Someone can tell me how do I connect the shield at the Serial3?

First set the jumpers to tell the shield which pins are serial3 and then change the code to use Serial3 and not SoftwareSerial.


First set the jumpers to tell the shield which pins are serial3 and then change the code to use Serial3 and not SoftwareSerial.


this is my question :slight_smile:

how to do it ?

Code for SoftwareSerial:

#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
#include "Wifly.h"
WiflyClass Wifly(14,15);

Code for HardwareSerial ?


However, the library: "WiflyShield" only refers "SoftwareSerial" (10,11,12,13, but i have other components on this pins)

You can start 47 more threads on the same topic, but, until you post a link to the library, you are on your own.