I have an Arduino Uno R3 SMD and a WiFi Shield R3. The WiFi Shield has an AT32UC3A1512 and a HDG204. When I look at all the conversations about upgrading the firmware for the WiFi Shield it is for ones with the AT32UC31256 and HDG104. The only thing that I have seen about the my version is that it doesn't work. I feel like I wasted money.
I have the same wifi-shield and updatet the firmware today to use udp, but now it isn't able to connect to my network any longer. Any Ideas? I tried both firmware from GitHub and Arduino IDE.
Yes I am using 1.0.5, also tried 1.0.4 and 1.0.3 but with these he dosn't work anyway, with 1.0.5 he can at least scan the networks but dosn't connect to my wpa2 network as he did before. I also tried to downgrade but without success, the upgrade program has some wrong file directories in it and I couldn't fix this yet.