I have worked through updating the WiFi101's Firmware to the latest 19.4.4
I am writing up the detailed steps and will post it later today.
I have worked through updating the WiFi101's Firmware to the latest 19.4.4
I am writing up the detailed steps and will post it later today.
I am looking to update the firmware as well and would appreciate your update.
I am writing it up and clarifying the process.
I have other responsibilities that require my attention.
I hope to post it by Sunday.
Any update on this?
please post the instructions since I haven't been able to update my wifi shield firmware.
This seemed to work for me.
Before updating you firmware, check your model number on the wifi module.
-> is a WINC1500 Model AATSAMW25H18-MR510PB
-> is a WINC1500 Model Bfirmware/19.4.4/m2m_aio_2b0.bin
for Model A <---- Use this as XXX in cmd below if Model Afirmware/19.4.4/m2m_aio_3a0.bin
for Model B <---- Use this as XXX in cmd below if Model BGet the wifi shield 101 library from the Arduino Library Manager (search "wifi101")
Upload the FirmwareUpdater example (File>Examples>Wifi101>FirmwareUpdater) to your board
Get the firmware updater from here:
Unzip the Wifi101-firmwareUpdater-0.7.0.zip anywhere.
Run cmd and go to the directory where you unzipped it.
winc1500-uploader.exe -firmware XXX -port YYY
example (my board was model A on COM6)
winc1500-uploader.exe -firmware firmware\19.4.4\m2m_aio_2b0.bin -port COM6
I hope this helps a few people out there.