WiFiManager tzapu remove "Info" & "Update" buttons - how?

I would like to remove the "Info" and "Update" buttons on the WiFiManager landing page, but keep "Configure WiFi" and "Exit".
Anyone knows the correct/best way to do so?

Found this in the library-file: wm_strings_en.h
And it seams like it disappears when I comment out the two lines here. But is it the correct way to do it? Will I brake something else?

const char * const HTTP_PORTAL_MENU[] PROGMEM = {
"<form action='/wifi'    method='get'><button>Configure WiFi</button></form><br/>\n", // MENU_WIFI
"<form action='/0wifi'   method='get'><button>Configure WiFi (No Scan)</button></form><br/>\n", // MENU_WIFINOSCAN
// REMOVE BUTTON "<form action='/info'    method='get'><button>Info</button></form><br/>\n", // MENU_INFO
"<form action='/param'   method='get'><button>Setup</button></form><br/>\n",//MENU_PARAM
"<form action='/close'   method='get'><button>Close</button></form><br/>\n", // MENU_CLOSE
"<form action='/restart' method='get'><button>Restart</button></form><br/>\n",// MENU_RESTART
"<form action='/exit'    method='get'><button>Exit</button></form><br/>\n",  // MENU_EXIT
"<form action='/erase'   method='get'><button class='D'>Erase</button></form><br/>\n", // MENU_ERASE
// REMOVE BOTTON "<form action='/update'  method='get'><button>Update</button></form><br/>\n",// MENU_UPDATE
"<hr><br/>" // MENU_SEP

std::vector<const char*> wmMenuItems = { "wifi", "info", "param", "erase", "exit" };

in setup()

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