That's the cause of the error. The WiFiNINA library and firmware can only be used on the Arduino boards that have the NINA WiFi module: MKR WiFi 1010, MKR Vidor 4000, Uno WiFi Rev2, Nano 33 IoT. If you have one of those boards then you need to select it from the Tools > Board menu. If you don't have one of those boards then the firmware is of no use to you.
Are you saying that something went wrong with your Mega and you thought you might be able to fix it by uploading the WiFiNINA library's FirmwareUpdater sketch?
If so, you are wrong. You're just wasting your time. We're here to help you, but first you need to provide us with enough information. "it will connect but it will disconnect right away" is much too vague.
Let's start by verifying that your Arduino board is on COM3 as Ground Control expects it to be. You can use the Arduino IDE for this:
Sometimes the port will be labeled with the board name in the menu. Other times it will not. If you don’t know which port is your Arduino, you can find it like this:
Unplug your Arduino board from the computer.
Tools > Port
Note the ports, if any, listed in the menu.
Close the Tools menu
Plug your Arduino board into the computer.
Tools > Port - The new port listed in the menu is your Arduino board.
I should've mentioned that it worked up to yesterday.
It would disconnect often but it worked.
Since yesterday it will connect but it will disconnect right away and say
It is possible that the serial port selected it is not the one used by Maslow's Arduino or that the firmware is not uploaded on Arduino
don't sound like a firmware problem to me. It sounds like a hardware problem. Make sure the USB cable is fully plugged into your computer and the Arduino board. If that doesn't help, try a different cable. Your cable might be damaged and giving an intermittent connection.
I would like to thank you very much and although you already know it I would like to bring up the fact that everything is one fire and I am grateful of being that with you and all there is.