Wii Library

I just brought the adpater for the wii to Arduino, but I have no clue where to download the library. Can anyone point to me where I can download the Wii library for Arduino 0012? If not, then can some tell me how to create one?

One would assume you mean the nunchuck accessory for the wii rather than the whole wii itself :slight_smile:

A google search for "arduino nunchuck" brings up these two pages with info on both the hardware and software requirements



it doesn't say how to install the library. All I'm trying to do is use this library from todbot


don't you just copy it to the folder and use an include directive at the top of the sketch?

I don't know. I have no clue how to create a library in Arduino

what folder

Here's the official arduino reference on libraries

You need to make a subdirectory for the library underneath the harware/libraries directory. Then you can use Sketch -> Import