Wiimote masters' advice needed

I've got a wiimote ("Dr Who Sonic Screwdriver" model) that I'm connecting to via an example sketch from the USB_Host_Shield_20 library (wii.ino example sketch at end).

I'm connecting to an Uno using an adk shield and a generic USB Bluetooth dongle. The sketch allows for the wiimote and dongle to pair up ok, and recognise the button presses on the wiimote, but it is not reading accelerometer values properly (monitor output posted below; always returning values of 180.00 for both accelerometers).

Wiimote Bluetooth Library Started
Pitch: 180.00	Roll: 180.00
Pitch: 180.00	Roll: 180.00
Pitch: 180.00	Roll: 180.00
Pitch: 180.00	Roll: 180.00
Pitch: 180.00	Roll: 180.00
Pitch: 180.00	Roll: 180.00

[many lines deleted to avoid repetition]

Pitch: 180.00	Roll: 180.00
Pitch: 180.00	Roll: 180.00

If some wiimote master has a known good test sketch and library that will read the buttons and accelerometers correctly, please point me in that direction. I could have a bad wiimote, of course, but testing with a known reliable sketch should cut to the chase.

Any tips and tricks appreciated! (I don't actually have a Wii console to the test wiimote on, unfortunately.)

 Example sketch for the Wiimote Bluetooth library - developed by Kristian Lauszus
 For more information visit my blog: http://blog.tkjelectronics.dk/ or
 send me an e-mail:  kristianl@tkjelectronics.com

#include <Wii.h>
#include <usbhub.h>

USB Usb;
//USBHub Hub1(&Usb); // Some dongles have a hub inside

BTD Btd(&Usb); // You have to create the Bluetooth Dongle instance like so
/* You can create the instance of the class in two ways */
WII Wii(&Btd, PAIR); // This will start an inquiry and then pair with your Wiimote - you only have to do this once
//WII Wii(&Btd); // After that you can simply create the instance like so and then press any button on the Wiimote

bool printAngle;

void setup() {
  while (!Serial); // Wait for serial port to connect - used on Leonardo, Teensy and other boards with built-in USB CDC serial connection
  if (Usb.Init() == -1) {
    Serial.print(F("\r\nOSC did not start"));
    while (1); //halt
  Serial.print(F("\r\nWiimote Bluetooth Library Started"));
void loop() {
  if (Wii.wiimoteConnected) {
    if (Wii.getButtonClick(HOME)) { // You can use getButtonPress to see if the button is held down
    else {
      if (Wii.getButtonClick(LEFT)) {
      if (Wii.getButtonClick(RIGHT)) {
      if (Wii.getButtonClick(DOWN)) {
      if (Wii.getButtonClick(UP)) {

      if (Wii.getButtonClick(PLUS))
      if (Wii.getButtonClick(MINUS))

      if (Wii.getButtonClick(ONE))
      if (Wii.getButtonClick(TWO))

      if (Wii.getButtonClick(A)) {
        printAngle = !printAngle;
      if (Wii.getButtonClick(B)) {
    if (printAngle) {
      Serial.print(F("\r\nPitch: "));
      Serial.print(F("\tRoll: "));
      if (Wii.motionPlusConnected) {
        Serial.print(F("\tYaw: "));
      if (Wii.nunchuckConnected) {
        Serial.print(F("\tNunchuck Pitch: "));
        Serial.print(F("\tNunchuck Roll: "));
  if (Wii.nunchuckConnected) {
    if (Wii.getButtonClick(Z))
    if (Wii.getButtonClick(C))
    if (Wii.getAnalogHat(HatX) > 137 ||  Wii.getAnalogHat(HatX) < 117 || Wii.getAnalogHat(HatY) > 137 || Wii.getAnalogHat(HatY) < 117) {
      Serial.print(F("\r\nHatX: "));
      Serial.print(F("\tHatY: "));

yeah i know its been some time but it seems to be still broken :frowning: