Will Arduino activate this solid state relay?

Hi all
Pretty much a newb on this stuff but just wanted to know if a Arduin would be capable of activating this solid state relay

the aim is to control the ssr via pwm from the arduino, the ssr outlet side will be controlling 2 x 12 volt fuel pumps with a load of approx 20 amps each

Here's your device's input circuit

• Control Voltage: 4-32VDC
• Control Current: 28mA max.
• Min Turn Off Voltage: 1.0VDC
• Input Resistance: 1.2kOhm

Here's a quick google for "Arduino output current:"

The absolute maximum for any single IO pin is 40 mA (this is the maximum. You should never actually pull a full 40 mA from a pin. Basically, it's the threshold at which Atmel can no longer guarantee the chip won't be damaged. You should always ensure you're safely below this current limit.)

The total current from all the IO pins together is 200 mA max

The 5V output pin is good for ~400 mA on USB, ~900 mA when using an external power adapter
The 900 mA is for an adapter that provides ~7V. As the adapter voltage increases, the amount of heat the regulator has to deal with also increases, so the maximum current will drop as the voltage increases. This is called thermal limiting

The 3.3V output is capable of supplying 150 mA.

Note - Any power drawn from the 3.3V rail has to go through the 5V rail. Therefore, if you have a 100 mA device on the 3.3V output, you need to also count it against the 5V total current.

Note: This does not apply to the Arduino Due, and there are likely some differences for the Arduino Mega. It is likely generally true for any Arduino based off the ATmega328 microcontroller.

IMO 28MA is pushing the limit. I'd use MOSFET to step up the current.

Looks like the input current @ 5V is about 6 mA, OK for 5V Arduino but not fit for PWM, switching speed is too slow, max turn off time could be 2 mS, check datasheet page 4.

What kind of motors do these fuel pumps have? Some AC motors cannot be PWM'd and require a VFD for
speed control.

They are 12 volt dc fuel pumps, but it appears the relay will be too slow to do what is required.
Thank you for all replies