Will Pay someone to write a code for me

Hello, I am an art student that has to do a project using arduino and I have no coding experience,

I am making a lazy susan that turns a certain amount based on what button you press on the arduino keypad.

Here's exactly what I want it to do.

Press 1 on the arduino keypad, stepper motor turns 90 degrees clockwise, stays there for 30 seconds, and then rotates 270 degrees closckwise back to home.

Press 2 on the keypad, stepper motor turns 180 degrees, stays there for 30 seconds, and then rotates 180 degrees clockwise back to home.

Press 3 on the keypad, stepper motor turns 270 degrees, stays there for 30 seconds, and then rotates 90 degrees clockwise back to home.

Press 4 on the keypad, stepper motor turns 360 degrees, stays there until the next input.

If I could get this code today or tomorrow that would be great, I can easily and quickly pay you using venmo, if you don't have that we can figure out payment later. Please email me at tmj0516@gmail.com

The usul question: 1) Budget 2) datasheets

Not enough info.
At the very least need to know which stepper driver is used.
Code itself is quite straightforward.

No criticism - only questions...

  • Why a stepper specifically?
  • Why always clockwise?
  • Direct drive / idler wheel / pulley drive ?
  • What sensor(s) being used for index/calibration of position?
  • Power supply ?
    Proposed design suggests that ONE person controls the turntable - obviously not a democracy at your meals !
    After the above, you need to confirm your proposed system has the required torque and power needed - then we can help.

Hello, I am an art student that has to do a project using arduino and I have no coding experience,

There’s nothing quite like cheating your way through school by paying people to do your homework.

Listen, if you do school this way then when you hit the real world and can’t pay your loans because you can’t get a job because you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t be one of those sponges that blames society and cries that it wasn’t fair. You have your chance right now.

In the real world it actually is quite normal to hire people to do the jobs you can't do yourself (for reasons such as skills, time, interest, ...).

In the real world it actually is quite normal to hire people to do the jobs you can't do yourself (for reasons such as skills, time, interest, ...).

You’re right. It is. But not for your homework. You’re doing that to learn. If you farm it out then you don’t learn. That defeats the whole purpose.

Do you really think it is appropriate to buy your way through school paying people to do all of your schoolwork?

Nothing wrong with sub-contracting, in principle.

We don't know the constraints on what resources this student may use. Perhaps it's ok for the student to do the art part and farm out the Arduino part of "art student that has to do a project using arduino".

It might be acceptable at the college to simply acknowledge the purveyor of Arduino expertise in the front matter to the project write-up.

That said it was a very interesting project for me to do over the last weekend since I have little experience of using keypads as input. I actually have a working sketch: I wonder what it's worth?

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You’re giving this guy a lot of credit for things he didn’t say.

Hello, I am an art student that has to do a project using arduino and I have no coding experience. . .

I personally would have given the OP the benefit of the doubt.
If he said he was, for example, an embedded systems or robotics student and declared that he had no coding experience and wanted someone to do it all for him, that would have been a different matter. I guess the art and design part is where the focus is here and third party assistance, correctly acknowledged, for the ancillary services would be perfectly acceptable.

You’re giving this guy a lot of credit for things he didn’t say.

No, you're reading into my response a load of things I didn't say. Look at my words:

We don't know ...
Perhaps it's ok ...
It might be acceptable...

I guess the art and design part is where the focus is here and third party assistance, correctly acknowledged, for the ancillary services would be perfectly acceptable.

My point, exactly.

OP if you're still there, shout and you can have my code foc, although it seems your deadline may have passed?

If I could get this code today or tomorrow [writing a week ago] that would be great

(My code, inevitably, is for a specific type of stepper under absolutely no load.)

FWIW, I contacted OP a week ago and told him I'd do it and got no response, so I think this particular horse is dead...

I wonder if faculty members scour the forums like this one to see if they recognise their given projects, and more to the point, recognise the students?

Could lead to some interesting moments at the live thesis defence, "Ok, now, tell me exactly what these lines of code do".

LOL ... Anyway, virtually all "payed gigs" from posters with one post end up this way. Might be a good idea to block topic creation for the first 5 post :wink:

I can't say I agree with that. I've gotten work and built ongoing relationships with people who have only posted here once and never came back. Many of these people couldn't care less about Arduino specifically: they just have a problem they want solved one way or another.