I am working on a wearable project and my time frame has changed. I no longer have the time to learn how to code and create it myself while continuing to build the wearable. I would like to pay someone to write the code I need to make the LEDs function. I have all the information (pins, leds, color codes, etc) required, I simply don't have the time to learn it.
The project uses only Adafruit Neopixel strips with a Feather control board (although I'm considering switching to Mega). What I need them to do is 3 different programs: light up and crossfade from one color to another on a loop, change color instantly from one to the second on specific timing (will provide), and do a color change in a wipe pattern.
Please reply if interested and I will PM you, or if you know of any other site I could try, I would appreciate it immensely.