Will Pay You to Write Code


I am working on a wearable project and my time frame has changed. I no longer have the time to learn how to code and create it myself while continuing to build the wearable. I would like to pay someone to write the code I need to make the LEDs function. I have all the information (pins, leds, color codes, etc) required, I simply don't have the time to learn it.

The project uses only Adafruit Neopixel strips with a Feather control board (although I'm considering switching to Mega). What I need them to do is 3 different programs: light up and crossfade from one color to another on a loop, change color instantly from one to the second on specific timing (will provide), and do a color change in a wipe pattern.

Please reply if interested and I will PM you, or if you know of any other site I could try, I would appreciate it immensely.

This item should be moved or posted in Gigs and Collaborations.

Hi SciFiLover,

See my PM for info on existing products.


The project uses only Adafruit Neopixel strips with a Feather control board (although I'm considering switching to Mega). What I need them to do is 3 different programs: light up and crossfade from one color to another on a loop, change color instantly from one to the second on specific timing (will provide), and do a color change in a wipe pattern.

Seems easy enough. How were you planning to switch from one program to another? Does the wearer press a button?