I'm playing with Arduino, producing "sounds". So I want to produce 10Khz square wave and play it on piezo. So wrote small code, with look like this:
no, it will be around the 100hz but probably slightly less.
The line changes every 5000 usec => 200 times per second => 100Hz
the digitalWrite() calls take some time and the call to loop() and the hidden Serial event handler take time too.
to minimize time for the digitalWrite check Direct Port Manipulation
to circumvent the loop call you can do 2 things
void loop()
delayMicroSeconds(50 - a); // a is correction for time digitalWrite takes
delayMicroSeconds(50 - b); // b, idem + while loop
you can dive into the use of timers and timer interrupts. Then you can generate a 10KHz signal in the background (no code example nearby)