Win7 : Leonardo Problem - IDE Serial Monitor


I have a Leonardo R3 and a Leonardo Pro Micro. This problem is common to both units.

I am using WIN7 64 bit and ERW 1.0.5.

I can download and run sketches OK, but when I try either the simple Echo sketch, or the Blinkies sketch from Sparkfun, I get nothing out on the serial monitor.

But if I connect to the COM port using Tetra Term I get the expected output.

I have tried with ERW 1.03 with the same result.

If I connect to a XP machine I see the expected output in the serial monitor.

On the basis that I have working boards, good cables, that all works as expected on XP and that on Win7 I see the expected output using a terminal emulator; I conclude that there may be a problem with the Win7 serial monitor/ COM port 'linkage' for the Leonardo profile.

I have tried deleting the COM driver and ensuring that it was reinstalled from the Arduino driver set.

Does anyone know of a fix for this?