Window Actuator

Hi I am new to Arduino and was wondering if anyone could help me with a project I'm keen to try. I have a window actuator that I would like to be able to control based on temperature in my conservatory. I could simply open and close based on a set temp but would like it to pulse a relay to open the window a small amount and then wait to see if the temp comes down if not then pulse again. Vice versa for closing. I'm sure this has been done before but I cant find what I'm after, can someone help me.

What temperature sensor are you using? DS18B20 will give you reasonable accuracy and there is plenty of info on its use.

Once you have detected the trip temperature, use a transistor or relay to drive the actuator.

Remember to include hysteresis so it does not keep operating with small changes of temperature.



Can you supply the spec on your actuator please?
What will or are you going to use to detect temperature?

Tom..... :slight_smile:

Tom I thought of using the DHT11 sensor and the actuators I have are ACK4 240 volt ones. The motors have limit switches for open and close so I just need to apply voltage for a short time to open the window or to close it. Then wait to see if the temp.stabilises if not then open or close the window a bit at a time. There are 3 wires to the actuator neutral open and close.
I could just either open or close the window fully but I fancied getting the arduino to control the temp.better. Thanks for your help.