I am having trouble getting the UGS to work with Windows 10 Pro , I set the Java file 1.8.0_211 version into windows Environment Variables and tested at the cmd prompt to see if it execute ,which it does .Im using Arduino Uno 1.8.9 and GRBL v0.9 and the computer i’m using is an AMD Athlon 64x2 dual processor 36000+2Ghz , 5G Ram .Also I’m using 2.0 Platform (Nightly build) which shows the startup screen but nothing more ,when I try to connect it just does not load and I cant figure out why .
Im using a cnc shield 3v with 3 x (A4988) drivers that are set to 0.95v , the support voltage for the shield is 12.12 Vdc .
The really weird thing is that the whole thing was working before I went for surgery on a system that was windows 7 pro with 2G of RAM , then I up graded to windows 10 pro with 5 G RAM and now nothing works
You may have to RE-install UGS completely after an OS upgrade.
That would include cleaning up any registry remnants.
Does Classic UGS run on your system. (run both in parallel here)
Can confirm it works with win 7 to 10 dual to quad core AMD's with only the regular minor glitches with big g-code files.
Even some of those can be circumvented by a buffer change.
You might want to add UGS to your security exclusions as it can cause a slow start up.
Not had your particular glitch myself
I am having trouble getting the UGS to work with Windows 10 Pro , I set the Java file 1.8.0_211 version into windows Environment Variables and tested at the cmd prompt to see if it execute ,which it does .Im using Arduino Uno 1.8.9 and GRBL v0.9 and the computer i’m using is an AMD Athlon 64x2 dual processor 36000+2Ghz , 5G Ram .Also I’m using 2.0 Platform (Nightly build) which shows the startup screen but nothing more ,when I try to connect it just does not load and I cant figure out why .
Im using a cnc shield 3v with 3 x (A4988) drivers that are set to 0.95v , the support voltage for the shield is 12.12 Vdc .
The really weird thing is that the whole thing was working before I went for surgery on a system that was windows 7 pro with 2G of RAM , then I up graded to windows 10 pro with 5 G RAM and now nothing works
After checking windows 10 registry there is no install for U.G.S. ,when I try and run U.G.S. I get the start page but no functions work after connecting but I do get in the console window “ connected com3 @115200" but no commands work ,in controller options ,command length is set to 70 ,I also setup UGS to run in a windows 8 environment and still will not allow functions of the U.G.S. applications.This is a real head scratcher
Sorry I thought you were having issues actually opening UGS.
What are the commands you are trying to use ?
UGS only accepts G-CODE commands.
If you have UGS open and your cnc board properly powered (you only need the USB to the UNO,NANO or MEGA and 12 volt or more depending on the board type and steppers)
Then issue a command such as "G0 X30" to move the X axis motor.
If you have the parameters correct it should move your X-AXIS 30 mm (if you have it in metric not imperial)
For Imperial swap the 30 to 1 (1 inch ).
Not 100% sure why you needed to set a JAVA variable either as all instances here ran out of the box direct from the extracted folder.
Did you get it directly from WINDER (primary source of UGS) ?
If I try to use command they don't work and there are no associations in the registry pertaining to UGS , what happens is I setup the Arduino connected with the cnc shield v3 with 3 A4988 drivers , I open the UGS in the counsel window is says connected come 3 115200 but nothing more I cant access the motors and I get the message that its not compatible , now if its not compatible then why does it say connected on com3 115200 baud , there is something hanging it up after connecting and I cant figure it out , I lowered the security ,nothing running in back ground , tried different types of UGS ,I really cant figure this one out , my IDE is loaded with GRBL master library , it should be working
Lets go back to the beginning here as i think we may be at cross purposes.
Can you supply a link to the shield you have ?
There are so many variations (I have a few but not all).
If it is a seperate UNO, NANO, MEGA and a shield then you would need to be sure the board itself has GRBL on it.
This is just flashing / uploading GRBL to the Arduino itself without the shield attached.
If the ATMEGA is part of the board it is normally pre-flashed but I have had one that just had blink on it from a Chinese supplier and that was rectified as above.
Just because you have GRBL in the IDE window does not mean much at this point.
Once GRBL is on the board then the IDE does not need to be running at all.
That is the point at which you start to run the UGS or another compatible GRBL cnc program.
They are quite reliable and mine has many hundreds of hours on it.
What board are you using it on as that will fit on either a UNO or MEGA ?
Also ensure the driver boards are the correct way around as it is possible to insert them the wrong way.
With the shield power connector to your left the Enable pin on the 4988 would be in the top left corner and 2B,2A,1B,1A almost aligned with the stepper motor connector.
The drivers can be individually tested out of the shield but to fully test the shield the drivers should be in and the shield mounted on an Arduino that has GRBL pre-loaded
I'm using Arduino Uno , I don't know how to do that ,Bulletin boards to me was before internet and it was so slow and time consuming especially on a 386 or an 8088 computer .So any who , windows 10 and UGS seems to have us puzzled as to why it will not work .If I measure the voltage across the drivers and get a reading would that mean that the shield is still operative and if so then the problem is Windows 10
It does not mean its windows 10 that is the issue yet.
OK so you have a UNO and the shield I use.
That's a good start even if we were off to a slight delay.
BTW the 5 minute delay does not go away until you reach 100 posts as a SPAM prevention measure.
One thing this is not, is BBS (my era too)
Lets get away from measuring the voltage at this stage and feel free to also turn that up a little for the moment as you are presumably doing this with no real torque on the motors at this point.
Tuning the steppers is always something I did last.
Mine are happy at 1.5 volts but I do have a larger power supply with plenty of amps.
Suggest for now around 1.2 volts but make sure you PSU can handle it current wise and maybe disconnect the other steppers to concentrate on just one.
BTW bad or blown drivers have been seen to give of a voltage too which is another reason not to put too much by that right now.
What are the specs for your PSU ?
Are you powering the whole thing as I suggested with USB to UNO and power to shield ?
Also remember UGS doesnt need a shield to actually talk to the UNO once GRBL is installed so as a communications test you could leave the shield off until you have UGS talking to GRBL.
Alright the psu is 12.12Vdc converted PC power supply for shield don't want to try higher than that ,and if I don't need to have the shield installed and can work directly with Arduino Uno and the UGS then ill try that way this way it would take the guess work out of wondering if the problem is with the shield or the software .As for the torque on the motors I think I have plenty since it was working before the holidays and would move a Bosh trim router without delay .If I had and oscilloscope that would help so I would be able to see the TX/RX communication , but the thing that boggles my mind most is why does UGS say connected but yet can't move any of the motors if I could figure that out then I presume the answer would be in my face , so the UGS is connecting but not initializing the motors.I'll try without the shield and get back to you
Alright so even with the shield not connected and using the Arduino Uno only , I end up with the same result , it says connected but that's as far as it goes can't move any motors , the functions of UGS to move are grayed out like not active
So that mostly rules out the shield itself for now and puts you back to the UNO.
It does not sound like it but it is progress to have ruled out some items.
Once you are 100% sure you have uploaded GRBLS to the board (dont upload anything else after you have sen GRBL to the board btw. then and only then is it time to move on.
Chances are you have been here but see point five near the top "Grbl v0.Xx ['$' for help]" should appear possibly with a few messages before that even.
If you see garbage on screen the baud rate is most likely wrong so change it to one of the suggested (115200 seems best)
Once you have the board talking then we can look at other things.
Well Bob Im sure the ATmega328P-PU 8 Bit Micro controller AVR with 32K is loaded , if it were not loaded then I would not get a message in the UGS counsel saying connected com3 @ 115200 baud ,it would not say anything , on top of that in tools it would have no com port connected to com 3 and GRBL Master Library would not be loaded in sketch or in examples , what I can do tomorrow is try loading it again and see what the results are , but that might corrupt the Micro controller i'm not sure. What I can do is take a small video of the process tomorrow and show you exactly what happens , like they say a picture is worth a thousand words sometimes .
Simply uploading the new one will over write the old one.
Thats how the Arduinos work.
If you ever need to clear a bad sketch then simply throw either the BLINK or BARE MINIMUM examples at the board from the IDE.
With Nano's and UNO's you may also get a "memory" type warning especially Chinese clones when uploading GRBL.
In reality that wont affect the usage as a GRBL based device at all based on experience here.