Hi, I just bought my first Arduino and I was thinking of upgrading to Windows 7 x64 bit edition. I was wondering if the Ardiuno and its software are compatible with this?
I am running Windows 7 x64 without any problems. I do believe when I first installed the drivers for the Arduino I had to download them from the web though (http://www.ftdichip.com/FTDrivers.htm - I believe is the spot)
There's a nice rundown on how to get Arduino Running on Windows 7 here:
If there is anything else we can help you with or should you have any questions whatsoever please don't hesitate to contact me on +61 401 252 250 or schappi at gggmaail dot com.
Thanks schappim, I picked up another laptop with windows 7 64 bit about a week ago and was having trouble with getting my mega to connect with the included drivers that come with the 0017 software. Your link got me fixed right up.