Now this is weird. On one of my computers using Windows 7, (see last post by me) the ied don't work. On one of the other computer using Windows 7, it does work. Any ideas what could be different on the computers?
Now this is weird. On one of my computers using Windows 7, (see last post by me) the ied don't work. On one of the other computer using Windows 7, it does work. Any ideas what could be different on the computers?
Maybe the LED on one computer is burned out.
If you mean that the Arduino IDE on one computer allows you to upload a sketch to the Arduino, while the other does not, I'd suspect that the FTDI driver is installed correctly on one, but not the other.
How do I check this out?
On the one that works, plugging the Arduino in results in some sound, right? That means that the Arduino is being recognized as a USB device. That means that the FTDI driver is installed, and function.
On the other one, does plugging in the Arduino result in a sound?
Yes, I get a sound. It looks like it installs fine. Here is anouther thing I discovered. On the computer that Arduino works on, even if I don't have Arduino pluged in, the IDE still compiles blink example. On the computer that don't work, it hangs up on compiling.
Any other ideas? I told Norton to alow the Arduino software.
Sounds like a candidate for deleting the directory in which you installed the arduino IDE, an installing it again.
If that doesn't work, I'd suspect a Java problem. You'll need to update/reinstall Java.
Try delete/reinstall the IDE first though.
I will try that tomorrow. I will let you know.