Winstar OLED, again, yet another library. If anybody is interested, feel free to test it or use it.
Mine display is Winstar 16x2 Character OLED, PN: WEH001602ALPP5N00001.
Documentation here:
First i try to use Adafruit_CharacterOLED library. It work as OLED_V2, but not initialize well after few hot restarts.
Another problem is that cyrillic strings does not print as expected. So i copy solution from LiquidCrystalRus library by Ilya V. Danilov, this fix lcd.print("cyrillic string") , but lcd.write() was unable to print some special symbols.
Added new command lcd.symbol(), it does exactly the same as non modified lcd.write() does.
Hot restart issue with WS0010 display controllers was mention many times, so initializing sequence was changed also to match the documentation as much as possible. Now everything working fine AFAIK.
Feedback is welcome. (7.76 KB)