Wire.h in avr package 1..6.23 does not seem the latest version

In the reference the is a description of a new receive event routine and I do not find it in Wire.h. If I look into Hardwire.h it is there.
I loose messages when receiving in my slave Nano 328P when using Wire.h. The problem is solved when using HardWire lib.
See the diff in attached screenshot! Also notice the version number of my lib file in avr package.

In the reference the is a description of a new receive event routine

Why are you being so vague? Why not state the name of this "new receive event routine"? Perhaps add a link to the reference page while you're at it. I'm guessing you're talking about Wire.onReceive(), but I shouldn't need to guess.

Look into the screenshot! There you can find the exact reference to the code involved. Left is the spinoff of Wire.cpp - HardWire.cpp -, to the right the standard Wire.cpp

This is what I'm talking about:

In the reference the is a description of a new receive event routine

The screenshot is a diff of the definition of begin. It certainly does not quickly and easily point me to this mysterious reference page. Clearly you're not talking about the Wire.begin() reference page. I can't understand why you're so resistant to just providing a link to the page you're talking about.

Well, I don't have the energy to deal with this sort of lazy/incompetent attitude. Have a nice life.

Look here Arduino Playground - WireLibraryDetailedReference.
Sorry I did not had much time to answer in the weekend.
The extra functions in HardWire in red at the left of the screenshot did the trick. Thes functions are described on the site of the above link and I miss them in the standard package 1.6.23 for my 328P.
I included HardWire instead of Wire and solved all my problems!
So I just gave you a notice there is something terribly wrong with Wire and I go on living with HardWire which has all these features as described in the detailed reference in contrary to Wire!