wire library not included and installed

Just installed 1.8.1 and no wire library is visible. Same thing happened on earlier install of 1.6.9 on several tries.

Please explain what you mean by "no wire library is visible".

By not visible I mean it is not listed in the library sub directories. WiFi is there, TFT is there but the library called Wire that is needed for I2C and other uses is not shown.

The Wire library is architecture specific so it's bundled with the hardware packages, rather than being in {Arduino IDE installation folder}/libraries. The location of the Wire library in use depends on which board you have selected and whether that board's hardware package was installed via Boards Manager. You can find it by doing this:

  • File > Examples > Wire > digital_potentiometer (or any other example in that menu)
  • Sketch > Show Sketch Folder

This will open the example sketch folder inside of the Wire library folder. So you can move up two folder levels to get to the root folder of the library.

Simple test would be to use an include in the beginning of a sketch, even if you don't need it.

#include <Wire.h>

void setup()

void loop()

If it compiles, you have the library.

If you compile that sketch with File > Preferences > Show verbose output during: > compilation checked and examine the output in the console window you can actually see the path to the Wire library but I think the technique I described in my previous reply is faster and easier.