Hello, I'm new with arduino and I want to know if there is a wireless card to conect to arduino, my goal is develop an arduino program to control this wireless card, if it's open hardware I'll appreciate it.
Thanks a lot!
Hello, I'm new with arduino and I want to know if there is a wireless card to conect to arduino, my goal is develop an arduino program to control this wireless card, if it's open hardware I'll appreciate it.
Thanks a lot!
Like the one on this site, you mean? http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoWiFiShield
If you don't need WiFi, check out XBee.
See the XBee / Zigbee section on this page: Arduino Playground - InterfacingWithHardware
dxw00d, thanks a lot!! that's exactly what I was looking for, I will order it in order to start to playing with it