What I`ve done so far:
I configured the XBees and attached them to the shields sitting on the arduinos. Since I was able to write(tx) and read(rx) messages, from both modules in the X-CTU terminal, connected with 2 different laptops, I guess the 2 way communication is tested and works.
Now to the problem:
Ive tried to use the examples from the ZigBeeMaster Library(Router Part 1 and Coordinator Part 1). The Router sends an HEX code, but the Coordinator wont receive it. I`ve checked the wireing and the configuration of the XBees several times and again it worked with the X-CTU. What could be wrong?
Things I frankly didn`t realy understand, that might be the problem:
Does a connection in the X-CTU terminal realy proof an flawless connection?
Do I, at some point, need to switch the USB button on the XBee Shield to XBee? (Didn`t do a thing so far)
Is the Router realy the "sender" and the Coordinator the "receiver"?
I´ve read that I need to remove the XBee module to upload code...well it worked anyways, does it still produce problems?
I am also facing kind of the same problem. First of all try this https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/xbee-shield-hookup-guide/example-communication-test. If that works out change the library that you use. Use newsoft or software serial instead. I obviously think that you must have cross-wired you Tx and Rx. So I need some extra info about your Xbee's. Cheers