Wireless communication between 2 ZigBees. Message not received.


  • 2 Arduino UNOs (1 Sunfounder, 1 Original)
  • 2 XBee Shields
  • 2 XBee Modules S2(ZigBee)

What I`ve done so far:
I configured the XBees and attached them to the shields sitting on the arduinos. Since I was able to write(tx) and read(rx) messages, from both modules in the X-CTU terminal, connected with 2 different laptops, I guess the 2 way communication is tested and works.

Now to the problem:
Ive tried to use the examples from the ZigBeeMaster Library(Router Part 1 and Coordinator Part 1). The Router sends an HEX code, but the Coordinator wont receive it. I`ve checked the wireing and the configuration of the XBees several times and again it worked with the X-CTU. What could be wrong?

Things I frankly didn`t realy understand, that might be the problem:

  • Does a connection in the X-CTU terminal realy proof an flawless connection?
  • Do I, at some point, need to switch the USB button on the XBee Shield to XBee? (Didn`t do a thing so far)
  • Is the Router realy the "sender" and the Coordinator the "receiver"?
  • I´ve read that I need to remove the XBee module to upload code...well it worked anyways, does it still produce problems?

Any help is appreciated.

I am also facing kind of the same problem. First of all try this https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/xbee-shield-hookup-guide/example-communication-test. If that works out change the library that you use. Use newsoft or software serial instead. I obviously think that you must have cross-wired you Tx and Rx. So I need some extra info about your Xbee's. Cheers

I configured the XBees and attached them to the shields sitting on the arduinos.

But, I'm not going to tell you how I configured them or what kind of shields I am using.

I`ve tried to use the examples from the ZigBeeMaster Library

But, I'm not going to show you the code or tell you where i got it.

What could be wrong?

You got all month?

Does a connection in the X-CTU terminal realy proof an flawless connection?

To one XBee, yes.

Do I, at some point, need to switch the USB button on the XBee Shield to XBee? (Didn`t do a thing so far)

That depends on the hardware that you haven't defined and the code you haven't shown.

Is the Router realy the "sender" and the Coordinator the "receiver"?

Yes, they really are. Although the terms are a bit misleading (sender and receiver, that is) since the XBees support bi-directional communication.

I´ve read that I need to remove the XBee module to upload code...well it worked anyways, does it still produce problems?

Nonsense. That's what the USB/XBee switch (if you have the shield I suspect you have) is for.