I was wondering how you could set-up wireless communication between two or three arduinos.
If so can you set it up so that you don't have to type in into the console to send it but have a set message sent to the other Arduino when a certain thing happens such as a touch sensor is activated?
I was wondering how you could set-up wireless communication between two or three arduinos.
If so can you set it up so that you don't have to type in into the console to send it but have a set message sent to the other Arduino when a certain thing happens such as a touch sensor is activated?
That is exactly how it works. All in the software. IF you go that way, you need to consider what wireless method to use. Several available.
I am new to coding Arduino and I don't know what the several methods are; would you be able to explain them? Also is there anything you need to add to the Arduinos to wirelessly communicate and can all models communicate or is it only specific models?
I understand how it works but is there a way to send wireless messages between Arduinos without typing the message into the Serial Monitor first. eg. Is there a way to preset a message to send when something happens eg. If a variable changes or a touch sensor is activated?