For the first radio project I would start to create an universal remote control. The idea is to start controlling a car with arduino and then improve it adding audio and video, global positioning, etc. So that when I acquire enough experience I can use it for flying prototypes.
The main factor that is required is communication, but I only find for short distance and low data. But I would like to make it ready for use in the future for air models fpv. I have seen that a lot of people use fpv and can fly long distance but I dont know what did they use.
In summary:
What transmission receiving system did you advice? Do I need one for video and another for control or one is responsible for transmitting both?
thank you very much
To start such a project you first need to go and purchase such a system already built or in kit form, and practice with it.
On such a basis, you can begin to understand the individual parts and perhaps "hack" them in various ways.
hi I have already purch arduino kits and make a fey project. Naw I wont to make an particular tool. I now all the command and joysticks that i wont to use and convert the datta into useful information. But I need an efficient wireless communication media to transmit and receive information.
Generally speaking, long distance radio links, like one or more miles, require more transmission power than is allowed in the scientific bands, unless they're fixed point-to-point with good antennas. At least here in the U.S., you'd probably need say a radio amateur's license to use the power you want, like a few watts.
There is, however, a shield for the arduino called the SIM900 shield, which might allow you to establish a GSM cellular phone call to a mobile platform, and transmit status and control data in both directions. Since the cell system hands off calls from tower to tower, you could probably maneuver a mobile vehicle at great distances away. That sounds like a worthwhile challenge, and if you get it going, you update all of us.
I know all the command and joysticks that I want to use and convert the data into useful information.
So you already have a fully working system from which to model?
So you already have a fully working system from which to model?
Yes at first I experimented with infra red then I get 433hz module and conect with it 2 arduinos. one in a car with a motor on pwm and direction.
to other arduino have 2 analog joysticks 1 control the speed (forward and backward +50-255 pwm) and the other the car direction (I use 2 because it was more comfortable) the 433hd module transmit 2 variables m=+-(0-255) and the other a=2-3 using a transfer function (I send 1 number) the arduino use the information convert the value in the others 2 numbers and comand the different pings.
I have seen that aeromodelling use 1 radio with 5 to 9 chanels. Each chanel command 1 object like flaps, tail,motor. And other sistem send vudeo and sound.
I have found a lot of controle sistem I will take a look at them.