Hey i am working on the HC-12 wireless communication module for a quite while now. I am having a few doubts about it.
I don't understand what channel if properly. Like will the information be transmitter in different frequencies ? what is its advantage ? why cant we just use one channel? how helpful is it in tacking some problems?
Doubt 2 about eh HC-12
To enter the setup mode i give digital low to the set pin. So to exit the setup mode should i give a digital high command? if not how to exit it using the program
Do the "AT" commands not work for you?
Do the "AT" commands not work for you?
It works, but i dont understand like for what can i use it and how.
I have done a program now which can tranmitt about 5 variables at a time.
If necessary i can change the baud rate according to the distance.
So what will i use the different channels for?
The different channels are so you can pick one that has the least interference from noise and other devices.
I live on a 12 acre property. I am building a perimeter monitor, essentially a burglar alarm. I need about 14 sensors. the channels need to be spaced 5 channels apart, and suddenly there are not too many channels