I would like to know what are the most reliable wireless modules to use ,say in using for wireless weatherstation
The run would be under 25 feet thru two walls. Maybe one wall.
I would like to know what are the most reliable wireless modules to use ,say in using for wireless weatherstation
XBees. Not cheap, but they do error detection and retries automatically.
The main options seem to be WiFi, bluetooth, XBee, XRF, a plain old fixed frequency transmitter / receiver pair like this one from Cool Components, or something like the 2.4GHz Transceiver Low Power nRF24L01+. I thought that nRF24L01+ looked like the best combination of price/performance. The nRF24L01+ system works on the basis of a master and up to six slaves and the master can talk to the slaves independently. Maybe that's enough channels for you. I don't think it will be for me, but I'm hoping I can get some sort of time sharing system working.
I have been playing with the nRF24L01+ with the ping client and ping server examples and have a lot of time outs from server and they are about 40 feet apart in the house. I have not come across any info on how to set up a master and slaves yet, but will be looking. I have about 6 nRF24L01+ to play with. Right now I want to hook up a DHT11( humidity/temp) and nRF24L01+ for each room