So I'm sure it's possible, how would I tackle uploading Arduino sketches wirelessly once the wireless setup has been created? I can communicate to and from applications on my computer with no issue but want to be able to upload the sketches once they've been compiled. Look forward to your responses. Thank you for your time.
Generally, one should try Google and forum search prior to generic questions. After some personal research, specific questions can be posted for responses... Example:" I read about xbee wireless uploading of sketches but I have these Bluetooth modules and need ..."
It's a little thing that new folks forget, but sometimes the failure to observe this rule causes some terse responses. No one intends on being ugly, but experienced forum members try to assist as many folks as possible and forum/Google searches just is not productive use of time.
Welcome to the forum and enjoy your Arduino.
I have a WiFly RN-XV module ( that is connected to my wireless home network.
First results from a Google search is this link. YOU search first, please.