Wireless technology / module reccomendation for a specific application


I have already built an Arduino based wired home automation system comprising of relay, sensor, input modules etc all cat5e wired and communicating with RS485.

I now plan to add wireless functionality for some of these modules for those cases where its not possible to install wiring.
So what would be the best choice from the available (RF) wireless solutions (ready made modules) for this application that fulfills the following requirements:

Comms : half duplex ie it must be a transceiver. All commands are acknowledged so bidirectional link is required.
speed : 9600 bps, lower speeds could be considered
range: within the building (house), say 100m , through brick walls. Communication between different floors would be an advantage but not a must
Shouldn't rely on existing 24/7 wifi network

Following your recommendations I am hoping to cut down on failed trials! :slight_smile:


Lora does work pretty well those days if you don’t Want to rely on Wi-Fi and you’ll find many boards with integrated LoRa capabilities (including ESP32 ones)

Forgot to mention that I do design my own boards based on 32U4 / 1284p or SAMD21 chips depending on the requirements of the individual module. So a wirelless solution will have to be integrated in my design, possibly plugin pin headers.

[quote="Watcher, post:1, topic:959333"]
within the building (house), say 100m , through brick walls. Communication between different floors would be an advantage [/quote]

No one can be sure, buildings and walls vary a lot as to how transparent they are to RF.

LoRa has the longest range and is more able to penetrate stuff.

Whats essential is that you get a couple of modules and carry out a site survey.

You can find LoRa modules on a PCB that makes it easier to solder on a custom PCB.

You mean something like this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/284568081968

or this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/253056649815


I was more thinking about the second link as the board includes already many components to make your life easier

you can find the module Grove is using in this design in various places (found one here for example)

I am just thinking, these Lora modules have ranges upto 1Km or more. Is it a good idea to use them for within the house applications? Especially if a number if these will be operating at the same time...

You wanted suggestions for modules for use indoors, 100m presumably with a lot of brick walls ?

With the right choice of module you can cut the range significantly by reducing the output power, if the range is to long.

Like I said, do a site survey first.

Well, this “up-to” will vary significantly depending upon your environment. So worth testing.

You’ll find alternative like HC-12, BLE, nRF, zigbee,… there are plenty to choose from

The use of mesh network allows reaching long distances.


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