Wireless transmitters?

I have an arduino Duo and am using the pulse sensor for an art project. i need to wirelessly transmit the data from the arduino to my processing sketch. Anyone have any recommendations for how to do this? i have been looking at Xbee products but have no idea what exactly i need? Please help.


What range does this information need to be transmitted over? Is there the possibility of utilising an existing Wifi network or do you need to provide the comms?


nRf24L01 is the cheapest option. The low power units will do about 20m indoors and cost about £1.32 each. If you need longer range the. The high power units, wit external antenna, are about £7.50 each (these prices from Chine)

They connect using the SPI bus and you can use the MiRF library for simple stuff, but a better library is the NRF24 and NRF24Network libraries from maniacbug.