Wirelss Module to Interrupt Sleeping Arduino

Looking to make a low power system that turns on a light wirelessly within a second of being triggered by a motion event. Wondering if anyone has suggestions for a good low power wireless module that I could use to interrupt a sleeping micro.

I can sleep the module and wake it up one a second to listen and don't need to transmit any information other than if motion event occured. Transmit distance is not far, < 50ft.

Almost any of the Arduino or ESP line plus the PICO and many others.
What do you mean by 'turns on a light wirelessly'? Is that another MCU?
IIRC, the standard PIR can wake a sleeping micro.
Later you mention listen, is there a sound sensor property as well?
Maybe try writing the requirements again.

Fair, thanks for the response. There will be a micro on either side. When a motion event happens it will wake a micro which will then transmit that motion has occured. On the Rx side the reciever can wake up once a second to listen and when motion is activated, a micro will wake up and turn on a FET to power a light. I want to have my motion detection in a different area than the light and be able to move it around without cables, hence the wirelss requirement. WIll be battery powered so hence the low power.

Sounds like a problem being created to try to synchronize the listening and the transmitting. Do I understand correctly?

I don't think there's a sync issue, only finding the right modules. I can wake up and listen once a second and if there is a motion event I can transmit for 1.5 seconds so there will always be overlap. Since the TX is not on often it will draw little power and I can get away for a longer transmit time to make sure the Rx hears the even.t

Each transmission will take a millisecond or so. Transmit for 1.5 seconds will need a pretty good battery.

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These $2 315/433 MHz modules would work well.


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The time it will take to wake the micro with wifi involved is much longer. Also the WiFi eats batteries. LORA is better for low power and starts up faster.

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Continuing transmission for 1.5 seconds would be illegal in some countries.

That's in contrast to your original title.

Do you have already figures for sleeping Arduino and for steeping wireless receiver, just for selection of the right model?

Won't that light consume most (battery...) power of the entire system?