I have (yet another), "how do I hook up my Colorduino" question. It's partially working, and now I'm trying to troubleshooting some issues. There seems to be some different information out there on how to hook up and program a colorduino/rainbowduino, but no "official" information, and I find the different instructions to be contradicting and confusing. But like I said, it's "kinda working", but I'm running into some issues, so to start troubleshooting it, I want to make sure my setup and wiring is correct.
First, some background:
- I purchased a colordunio/rainbowduino clone off of Amazon (and it came w/a 8x8 RGB matrix)
- It's the v1.3 version - the one with the switch (and the switch is currently in the 'Header' position)
- I am using the latest Arduino IDE, 1.8.10, and on Mac OS X
- I downloaded and installed the Colorduino library and example sketch (from GitHub - lincomatic/Colorduino: Colorduino Interface Library for Arduino)
- I have an Arduino Uno, and I removed the ATMega chip from it
- When I connect GND and 5V from the Uno to the Colorduino, it runs the animation demo sketch.
Next, after opening the Arduino IDE, I opened the ColorduinoPlasma demo
I then set the following (in the Tools menu)
Board: "Arduino Duemilanove or Diecimila"
Processor: ATmega328P
Programmer: Arduino as ISP
Q: So, my first question is, are my settings in the IDE correct?
Next, is wiring. From the Arduino Uno (with its ATmega removed) to the Colorduino (its female headers, not the male headers), I have:
Arduino Uno -> Colorduino
Reset DTR
Q: And my second question is, is my wiring correct?