i have a duemilanove board with a 328p microcontroller is there a way to program the microcontroller and wire it up with out a breadboard. to run two servos to sweep?
Install the SERVO library.
Then try this
Well technically you don't have to 'install' the Servo library as it is included in the standard IDE distribution, one just has to 'import library' from the sketch menu. The big problem with trying to run 2 servos from just the arduino board is that there is not enough 5 volt current available to run two servos reliably. One should use an independent 5vdc power source rated at around 1 amp per servo to be run, and attach the grounds between the external DC supply and a arduino ground pin.
What I meant is use the example in the playground link (which #includes the library) to play around with it. Do you know how to connect the servo to your arduino ?