Wiring of continuous rotation servos

I have just received my arduino starter kit and i also purchased 4 continuous rotation servos with it. I have no experience in wiring up these parts and was hoping I could get some advice on what to do.

I require independant control of all the servos and have a 9V battery pack to power them.

The coding of these servos is also foreign to me currently so any advice on that is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

I have just received my arduino starter kit and i also purchased 4 continuous rotation servos with it. I have no experience in wiring up these parts and was hoping I could get some advice on what to do.

I require independant control of all the servos and have a 9V battery pack to power them.

The coding of these servos is also foreign to me currently so any advice on that is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

I hope the 9V battery pack isn't simply a 9V battery like those used in smoke alarms. Nowhere near enough capacity for 4 servos, or even for one.

Wiring is easy. Connect your battery pack to the positive and negative of the servos. Also connect the negative of the battery pack to Arduino ground. Then connect the signal wire of the servos to digital pins on the Arduino.

You can use the "Servo" library to do the hard work.
Then, using 'servo.write()', you send a value between 0 and 180 to the servos - 90 is 'stop', 180 is full speed anti-clockwise and 0 is full speed clockwise. You can select slower speeds by sending intermediate values.

Above setup():-

#include <Servo.h>

Servo myServo;

Then in 'setup()' and/or 'loop()' (or another function):-

myServo.write(90); //stop
// etc
// etc

See the "Servo" library examples for more details.