wiz610 operation

I recently bought the wifi shield and the wiz610 board and I installed both in an Arduino Uno board.
In my notebook I can see the SSID of the WIZ610 and I can connect to the configuration page and change any setting.
I can also connect to the Arduino board, through the USB connection that appears in com15.

As soon as I change the configuration fron access point to client, I loose comunication and I get no answer from the wireless part of the board.
Is there a step by step procedure to allow to go from installing the wireless board, to be able to remote control a robot, or just a simple toy car?

thank you

When the wiz610 is the AP, your device is the station (client).
When the wiz610 is in station mode (client), it needs an AP with that SSID for the wiz610 to connect to, or you will loose comm with it.

Do you have a wireless router? That will normally do. Both you and the wiz610 will connect to the wireless router AP as clients, and you should be able to communicate with each other through the router, using it as the common AP.

Thanks for your help. Now I can connect to the server in the wiz610 board from my PC through the wireless router, and it took the ip address from the DHCP server in that router. Good, now I have connectivity from the internet to the board.
The next step should be to enable some sort of CGI script to manage the actions in the Arduino board, things like set a speed of a motor or turn on and off a led.
I have not been able to find a relation between the Arduino programming model and WIFI, something like char c=WIFI.Read().
Do you have an advice for the next step?
Thank you again