Wiznet w5200 Ethernet Shield Problem


I am using a Wiznet w5200 ethernet sheild with a mega 2560. I changed the w5100.h and w5100.cpp files and updated the Ethernet.h file as directed by Wiznet. I am using the example WebClientRepeating sketch. It runs fine when pointing to www.arduino.cc and the /latest.txt file. I put the same file called latest.txt in the root of my godaddy.com hosted domain. I can point a web browser to it and it opens. When I change the www.arduino.cc server to www.mydomain.com (where mydomain is the real name) and change the same in the "Host: www.mydomain.com" line, the sketch does not connect. I am using myDns( for the domain name server...I am really stumped! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Also, when I revert back to a w5100 sheild, the sketch runs fine.

The only information I can get from godaddy.com is that "mydomainname.com" is on shared resources. Would anyone know what code I would use in the WebClientRepeating sample sketch (values for: server, myDns, the "Get /latest.txt HTTP1.0" line, the "Host: mydomainname.com", etc) variables? The frustrating part of this is that a w5100 sheild connects correctly. The w5200 sheild does connects to arduino.cc by not "mydomainname.com". Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

So it connects ok to the www.mydomainname.com server, but does not download the page? What is the server sending as a response? Does it print a lot of garbage? Or does it hang/freeze/stall in the server response read?

When you change back and forth between the devices (w5100 and w5200) you are changing the w5100.h and w5100.cpp files also?

There was a bug in the original w5100.cpp w5100.h code that caused a failure with my Mega2560 and the ethernet shield. Maybe that bug is still in the w5200 code? Can you post the w5100.cpp w5100.h file for the w5200 that you got from Wiznet?

I tested this sketch with a few web sites and it works ok with virtual hosting.
Use the GET method (top example).

edit: Never mind on the w5100.h file post. I got a copy now, and it has the same bug.