Wokwi outputting "à"... forever

I'm using Wokwi because I don't have the boards and accessories that I need to create my project. I am slowly working on a Flipper Zero replica. I have IR, RFID, NFC, RF, and GPIO. My code will verify in the Arduino IDE and it compiles in Wokwi but when I look at the output it is strictly "à" characters forever and ever. My program won't continue and I can't use any of the simulated accessories. Am I missing something? Attached is my code. In Wokwi, I have 3 momentary buttons, an OLED, a status LED (I haven't coded anything with this and the next ones yet so they shouldn't matter), a vibration motor (Wokwi doesn't have these so I just used a buzzer in its place), and a buzzer.

code.zip (3.2 KB)

Post your code and circuit here. You may find that members are reluctant to download and hassle with your zip file. The how-to-get-the-best-out-of-this-forum thread explains the proprer way to post code.

Comment-out images.h, Adafruit and all dependent commands, and you get this:

Selected app: Sub-GHz Freq
Selected app: Sub-GHz Freq
Selected app: Sub-GHz Freq
Selected app: Sub-GHz Freq
Selected app: Sub-GHz Freq

That sounds like a memory problem... like a value placed out of an array bounds

[edit]Was this meant for the Uno/Nano? Maybe for the Mega? (it compiles on Wokwi with the Mega)

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