Working code for Meditation Trainer on Circuit Playground


I am trying to get this working:

I have tried uploading code via Arduino to the circui playground and there is an error with 'interruptSetup was not declared in this scope'.

I realise there are other posts on this and I have done my best to read these and use the responses to get the code to work but to no avail. Does anyone have a working version of the code that they could kindly upload that I can cut and paste?


When you encounter an error, you'll see a button on the right side of the orange bar "Copy error messages" (or the icon that looks like two pieces of paper at the top right corner of the black console window in the Arduino Web Editor). Click that button. In a message here, click the code tags button (</> on the forum toolbar) and then paste the error. If the text exceeds the forum's 9000 character limit, save it to a text file and post it as an attachment. If you click the "Reply" button here, you will see an "Attachments and other settings" link.