Working library for receiving DMX? (Solved)

I've searched the forum and nearly all the other Internet but with no result.
There are a lot of libraries and code examples when it comes to send DMX, but I'd like to receive it and control my Arduino with it.

I found just one library from, but I have no success using it. My oscilloscope shows that my DMX sender and the MAX485 are working, but neither the example code of this library nor some own lines are working.
The example from the Playground won't compile. (core.a(HardwareSerial.cpp.o): In function __vector_25': F:\Apps\arduino-1.0-windows\arduino-1.0\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino/HardwareSerial.cpp:102: multiple definition of __vector_25'
Blink.cpp.o:C:\Users\SEBAST~1\AppData\Local\Temp\build5591305470023210670.tmp/Blink.cpp:33: first defined here)

Do you have any suggestions of (working) DMX receiving libraries?

Thanks in advance!

Okay, some news:
I've tried this mentioned lib on my old duemilanove and it works like a charm!
I'm using the duemilanove's FT232 directly as a DMX interface, so no excursions over RS485. The PWM works perfectly according to the DMX value.

Now I uploaded this sketch to the Mega2560 and nothing happens! The pwm output is stuck to something like a 80% and it's not responding to any DMX which comes directly from the RX input from the duemilanove.
I've changed the UART in the lib from 0 to 1, but neither is working.

The names of the USART registers are the same, so there can't be the problem.

Any clues why the Duemilanove receives the DMX and the Mega2560 won't?

Edit: The library also works perfect on an Uno! So there has to be a smaaaall difference between the controlling of an Uno and a Mega2560...


I'm also trying to receive DMX with Uno, but have had no success.
Can You please tell me how You did it?

I get the error:

core.a(HardwareSerial.cpp.o): In function `__vector_18':
/Users/raxz/Desktop/ multiple definition of `__vector_18'
dmx_receive.cpp.o:dmx_receive.cpp:157: first defined here