working with TCCR2B , i really need some help

Hi guys,

I have a problem:
I work with servo's and values I need to read.
So I need to use Timer2 for this that those two don't interfere with one another. I'm trying to understand TCCR2B better, but all the things i under stand so far is that its a setting for the prescale.
i could read that from the datasheet ( )
(for 5 is it 128)
i also know that it is mend to change the working speed, form 16Mhz to a lower one,
depending on the prescale.

TCCR2A = 0;
TCCR2B = 5; // interrupt in register B
TCNT2 = 0;
OCR2A = 250; 
TCCR2A |= (1<<WGM21);
TCCR2B |= (1<<CS21); 
TIMSK2 |= (1<<OCIE2A); // enable timer compare interrupt in dit gaval timer 2

like you can see in my code i use for TCCR2B 5, but if i read document's about it, i see others use 0x05 and things like that,

also this img when TCCR2B = 5 dus it make me be in mode 5.
( and i also vind something about how to calculate my hz , is this one right ? (16 MHz / (5 * (250 + 1)) =12 749hz) )

this is really complex, i really hope you can help me?

May be reading this article about PWM would help understand Timers better?

there are also various Timer tutorials out there, here is one and of course Nick Gammon's Timer doc too

May be reading this article about PWM would help understand Timers better?

there are also various Timer tutorials out there, here is one and of course Nick Gammon's Timer doc too

hey man thanks !
i will read the Nick Gammon timer doc, i hope i get a better understanding

kind regarts G