Works on Nano but not Every

Good Day all.
iam new to using the Every

I have this code which runs fine on the Nano but I wanted to run the Every for a higher clock speed.

but when I upload it the display doesnt work, I Think the interrups are causing an issue.

Can someone explain whats wrong?

Thank you


#include <TM1638.h>
#include <TM16xxDisplay.h>
#include <TM16xxButtons.h>
#include "HX711.h"
#include <Encoder.h>

// HX711 circuit wiring
const int LOADCELL_DOUT_PIN = 4;
const int LOADCELL_SCK_PIN = 5;

// HX711 calibration and setup
#define calibration_factor -7050.0  //This value is obtained using the SparkFun_HX711_Calibration sketch
HX711 scale;

//Pins for Encoder
Encoder Wheelencoder(2, 3);

//Pins for LED and Keys display
const int STB = 10;  // Strobe pin
const int CLK = 11;  // Clock pin
const int DIO = 12;  // Data pin
TM1638 module(DIO, CLK, STB);
TM16xxDisplay display(&module, 8);  // TM16xx object, 8 digits
TM16xxButtons buttons(&module);     // TM16xx object

float Diameter = 1; // 88.9;  // tire radius (in mm)- CHANGE THIS
float circumference;

int keynumber = 16;
int keycount = 0;
bool running = false;
unsigned long myTime = 0;

// for RPM calculation
int interval = 1000;  //time between calculations of rpm
long currentMillis = 0;
long previousMillis = 0;
int rpm = 0;
long previousWheelCount = 0;
unsigned long WheelCount = 0;
int EncoderCount = 1024;  //Encoder Steps per full revolution

float mph = 0.00;
float MaxSpeed = 0.00;
float AverageSpeed = 0.00;
float AverageSpeedSum = 0.00;
int AverageCounter = 1;
float distance = 0.00;

void setup() {


  scale.set_scale(calibration_factor);  //This value is obtained by using the SparkFun_HX711_Calibration sketch
  scale.tare();                         //Assuming there is no weight on the scale at start up, reset the scale to 0

  scale.set_scale(2280.f);  // this value is obtained by calibrating the scale with known weights; see the README for details
  scale.tare();             // reset the scale to 0

  circumference = 3.14 * Diameter / 1000;  // /1000 to convert to metres

  module.setupDisplay(true, 2);  // on=true, intensity-2 (range 0-7)


void loop() {


  int nTime = (((millis() - myTime) / 1000) / 60) * 100 + ((millis() - myTime) / 1000) % 60;  // convert time to minutes+seconds as integer

  //update values every second
  currentMillis = millis();

  Serial.print("Reading: ");
  Serial.print(scale.get_units(), 1);  //scale.get_units() returns a float
  Serial.print(" kgs");                //You can change this to lbs but you'll need to refactor the calibration_factor

  if (currentMillis - previousMillis > interval) {  //has inveryal elapsed if yes then calculate RPM
                                                    //calculate RPM

    WheelCount =;

    rpm = (float)((WheelCount - previousWheelCount) * 60 / EncoderCount);  //i.e.number of pulses per second * 60 divided by pulses per revolution
    previousMillis = currentMillis;                                        //reset previous millis time
    previousWheelCount = WheelCount;                                       //reset previous encloder value

    // Calculate speeds
    mph = Diameter * rpm;
    if (mph > MaxSpeed) MaxSpeed = mph;                       // record max speed
    AverageSpeed = (mph + AverageSpeedSum) / AverageCounter;  // record Avg speed

    // Calculate Distance
    distance = WheelCount * circumference;

  switch (keynumber) {
    case 16:
      running = !running;                           // invert the running tag from false to true or vise versa.
      module.setLEDs((1));                          // TIME ELASPSED
      module.setDisplayToDecNumber(nTime, _BV(3));  // display milliseconds with dot on digit 4

    case 18:  // HALL EFFECT COUNT
      module.setDisplayToDecNumber(distance);  // Displaying number of turns on wheel.

    case 20:
      module.setDisplayToDecNumber(rpm);  // Displaying RPM of wheel.

    case 22:
      module.setDisplayToDecNumber(mph);  // Displaying Spped of wheel.

    case 17:
      module.setDisplayToDecNumber(MaxSpeed);  // Displaying Max Speed recorded of wheel.

    case 19:
      module.setDisplayToDecNumber(AverageSpeed);  // Displaying Max Speed recorded of wheel.

    case 21:
      module.setDisplayToDecNumber(scale.get_units(), 1);

    case 23:  //// RESET TIME AND DISTANCE
      myTime = millis();
      mph = 0.00;
      MaxSpeed = 0.00;
      AverageSpeed = 0.00;
      AverageSpeedSum = 0.00;
      AverageCounter = 1;
      WheelCount = 0;
      distance = 0.00;
      currentMillis = 0;
      previousMillis = 0;
      rpm = 0;
      previousWheelCount = 0;

      keycount = 0;
      keynumber = 16;  // reset keynumber to 16 so everything doesnt keep reseting

void fnClick(byte nButton) {
  keynumber = nButton;
  if (keycount == 2) keycount = 0;
  else keycount++;

Have you tried any of the examples associated with your particular display on the Every?

thank you for your input.
I have checked with the example code for the display and you are correct. The display does not work currently with the Every.
I am unsure why at this point. It's probably that the library is not compatable as of yet?


I have check with the example code for the display and you are correct. the display does not work currently with the Every.

Is this the library you are using?

I don't see anything in the management of the strobe, clock and data pins which is interrupt, register or timer specific and would be an issue for the NanoEvery.

const int STB = 10;  // Strobe pin
const int CLK = 11;  // Clock pin
const int DIO = 12;  // Data pin
TM1638 module(DIO, CLK, STB);

Have you tried it with different pins?

How are you powering the display and the Nano Every?

I am currently power over the usb port from my laptop.
It’s only powering the every and led key display right now.
Since it works using the arduino nano I doubt it’s a power supply issue.

I will try some different pins tomorrow.

Thanks for your input.

Another library for you to try. Looks to be tested across multiple platforms. Again, I see nothing in either library which should be an issue for the Nano Every.

Thank you all,
I can confirm after some testing the inital libarys do work but there is something in my code that is preventing it from working.
I am going to strip all the code back and add it all back in little by little until if find the issue.

Will update with findings

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