So I've been browsing around for a whole looking for a good microcontroller that's super small. So far the smallest one I found was an Arduino Nano. But before I go buying it, there are some questions I have about it.
Is Bluetooth compatible with it and if so where would I get the Bluetooth code?
Is there anything smaller than it that's Bluetooth compatible?
Would an Arduino Nano (Or the device in the question above) be able to play sounds?
My apologies wrong link and mistakenly clicked on "post" instead of "preview".
Here is a document that provides technical info on the Nano
As you will see, Bluetooth is not natively supported.
You will need an additional module that adds the ùbluetooth functionality.
In order to have an idea as to what's available, you an go see Sparkfun or eBay.
This may change the mechanical footprint of your project ...
It would seem you are not familiar with what a microcontroller actually is.
You reference to Bluetooth and sound processing indicates you are confusing it with a microcomputer such as a Raspberry Pi. The Pi does not have Bluetooth built in (though some similar devices might) but it will work with a Bluetooth dongle and it has built-in sound and video.
Sorry, you have come to the wrong site - Arduino in general is not for you.
My apologies wrong link and mistakenly clicked on "post" instead of "preview".
Here is a document that provides technical info on the Nano
As you will see, Bluetooth is not natively supported.
You will need an additional module that adds the ùbluetooth functionality.
In order to have an idea as to what's available, you an go see Sparkfun or eBay.
This may change the mechanical footprint of your project ...
As I stated in the question though, is there anything with a similar dimension that comes Bluetooth (And Sound if possible) ready?
And if not what would be the smallest microcontroller that comes Bluetooth (And Sound if possible) ready?