Would this work? (GPS, Audio)

I've never done anything with the Arduino before but I'm really interested in it and thought about a project that I would want to do with it. It would involve the wave shield and a GPS shield but then I saw this page GPS datalogging shield for Arduino as I was looking through what I would buy and it says

If you have the Wave Shield library installed, you may have to uninstall it (remove it from the library folder) since it will conflict.

So does that mean I would not be able to use both in a project?

Any information would be greatly appreciated


The wave shield and the GPS shield both have the same circuit for the SD card. Installing both on the same Arduino would be difficult to make work. If you removed it from one of the, i.e. the GPS, you should be OK.

I have considered something similar but I was going to use the Speak jet chip from sparkfun to do the audio out.


hmmm... what if I didn't use the GPS shield, but used something like Arduino Playground - GPS. no SD card, its not like I really need to have a gps log anyway.

I'd rather use the wave shield over the speakjet because I'd prefer to have easily understandable speech as the output.

You could easily just connect some other GPS (not using the shield).

I personally think that the GPS shield is overpriced for what it is...
