WPA3 on ESP-32 in the Arduino IDE

I'm using an ESP-32 dev board (ESP-WROOM-32) in the Arduino IDE, have the boards added, and can upload and run code.

Our router only does WPA3. I think (from the Espressif site) that the ESP-32 supports WPA3 and there are some details about using it in the ESP-IDF - but I want to use the Arduino IDE if at all possible.

(Yes, I've googled and googled and there is virtually no information on this).

My question is, am I missing something (a library, or setting maybe) to enable the ESP-32 to use WPA3 in the Arduino environment?

Or are there any other tricks?

Many thanks,

have you read arduino-esp32/en/latest/getting_started
in particular ESP32 nstalling-using-arduino-ide
have you ran some of the File>Examples>ESP32 programs

Hi, thanks for the reply.

Yes, everything is installed and I can run examples (the WiFi Scan for instance).

I can't however connect to our router, which is only offering connection by WPA3.

I found this reference esp32/api-guides/wifi-security

Yes, I saw that... it confirms that the ESP-32 supports WPA3 but the instructions there are for the ESP-IDF, I want to use the Arduino IDE if possible.

Is it just that the libraries for the Arduino IDE haven't caught up with the featureset yet?

if all else faiuls have you an old roiuter which supports WPA2 which you could plug into an ethernet port on the new router? I had to do this when my Ethernet shield 1 would not work with a new router.

Aaargh! The SSID is case sensitive... I had a 'd' where it should have been a 'D'.

Just to confirm - the ESP32 will connect to WPA3 using the Arduino IDE.

Thanks for your help!

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thanks for letting us know!
some of our engineers have the same problem with unix directory and program names - unlike Windows they are case sensitive

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